Shaving Mug


The grooming collection includes just about everything you can possibly need for a stylish shaving experience.

Create a rich, thick lather in seconds with a lustrous pewter shaving mug that doubles as a drinking vessel for your beverage of choice.

The shaving mug was originally developed at a time when hot water was not very common in households. Now, it’s a conservative (and classy) way to prep for a wet shave and a lather. Shiny and lustrous this traditional shaving mug or scuttle is handcrafted by skilled pewter craftsmen

Height: 75mm
Diameter: 90mm

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The grooming collection includes just about everything you can possibly need for a stylish shaving experience.

Create a rich, thick lather in seconds with a lustrous pewter shaving mug that doubles as a drinking vessel for your beverage of choice.

The shaving mug was originally developed at a time when hot water was not very common in households. Now, it’s a conservative (and classy) way to prep for a wet shave and a lather. Shiny and lustrous this traditional shaving mug or scuttle is handcrafted by skilled pewter craftsmen

Height: 75mm
Diameter: 90mm