Yorkshire Rose Candle Votive


The Yorkshire Rose pattern works brilliantly bright on the candle votive which comes complete with a Made in Yorkshire candle to make a totally Yorkshire gift.

Once used up the candle can be replaced easily as the candle is a standard size – or reused as a great desktop pen pot!

Height 90mm Diameter 75mm – supplied in a silk lined lid and base box

None Garamond Bold Garamond Times New Roman Dyer Park Avenue Edwardian Script Stone Henge Castellar English Script Deutsch Gothic Old English Algerian Monotype Corsiva Harrington Goudy Bold American Unical Renaissance Arial Optima

Please specify, placement, size, alignment etc.



The Yorkshire Rose pattern works brilliantly bright on the candle votive which comes complete with a Made in Yorkshire candle to make a totally Yorkshire gift.

Once used up the candle can be replaced easily as the candle is a standard size – or reused as a great desktop pen pot!

Height 90mm Diameter 75mm – supplied in a silk lined lid and base box